States Adding Their Own Employment Verification Requirements
A recent trend in the immigration practice has been states (and some times even municipalities) adding their own requirements for employment verification, in addition to the Form I-9 required by federal regulations.
Most notable is Colorado, which now requires that employers complete an Affirmation of Legal Work Status (see ) and attach it to Form I-9 within 20 days after hiring a new employee and affirm that the employer has examined the legal work status of the employee, has retained file copies of all documents reviewed in connection with the completion of Form I-9, and has not knowingly hired an unauthorized alien.
In addition, certain states are requiring the use of the government’s E-Verify system (see, as follows:
Two states (
) require all employers doing business in their state to participate.
Eight states (
, and
) require some state contractors to use E-Verify
In addition, while not specifically requiring the use of E-Verify, states such as Tennessee and West Virginia are imposing penalties (such as suspension or revocation of business licenses) upon employers failing to adequately verify the employment eligibility of their employees.
There are also many other states (i.e.
) currently debating the idea of requiring registration with E-Verify. Other states, such as
, are challenging the use of the E-Verify system.
Please monitor our website for the latest developments in this area.