As previously reported on our website, the Executive Order was signed this past Friday. The order from the White House calls for a complete ban on all travel for nationals of Iran, Iraq, Libya, Somalia, Sudan, Syria and Yemen and a complete suspension of refugees entering the US.
This ban, which originally included green card holders, is something we have never seen before.
The Secretary of Homeland Security subsequently clarified that green card holders from those 7 countries will be let into the US unless specific information in their backgrounds indicates otherwise.
Due to a court order on Saturday, people who were stranded at airports by the Executive Order who arrived with valid visas were not to be deported.
In the meantime this ban will affect all students, business travelers, and people who hold professional visas including physicians, executives and entertainers.
It is important to know that this is not a permanent ban. The travel ban for the 7 countries listed above is 90 days, and the refugees ban is 4 months.
Several Court challenges have been brought, and we will update you on those as well as the events in 90 days when the travel ban is due to expire.
We highly suggest that you seek the advice of an immigration professional now more than ever if you intend to travel to the U.S. Please feel free to contact Managing Partner Michael Wildes at if you think this ban affects you.