Michael Wildes, Managing Partner of Wildes and Weinberg P.C. is proud to announce that he will be representing Judd Wild, Australian stuntman and stunt coordinator who performed stunts for Mad Max: Fury Road, portrayed the War Rig War Boy and...
A year after Governor Phil Murphy rolled out his comprehensive plan to reopen New Jersey after massive shutdowns and restrictions related to the COVID pandemic, the state is slowly but surely returning to action. With a limited opening of restaurants,...
Managing Partner Michael Wildes is pleased to announce the firm’s success in obtaining O1 visa classification for Jean de Meuron, a visionary film producer from Switzerland. Over the course of what has already become an impressive career, Mr. de Meuron...
Managing Partner Michael Wildes is delighted to announce that Wildes & Weinberg P.C. has secured an extension of O-1B visa classification on behalf of Ms. Daphne Alexander based on her extraordinary talent as an actress. Daphne Alexander has sustained...
Miami, Florida has always been known for its people. It boasts a richly diverse population and a culture that is famously heterogeneous while still being unique and recognizable as a quintessential American city. Its top industries—tourism, international trade, and media—denote...
Wildes & Weinberg, P.C. Managing Partner Michael Wildes, a former federal prosecutor and current mayor of Englewood, New Jersey and his team of highly skilled professionals announces that the firm will be representing Reut Lev and her family in their...
Wildes & Weinberg Managing Partner Michael Wildes, also Mayor of...
Wildes & Weinberg Managing Partner Michael Wildes, also Mayor of...
Wildes & Weinberg Managing Partner Michael Wildes, also Mayor of...
I am beyond grateful to Michael Wildes and his exceptional team at Wildes & Weinberg, P.C. for their extraordinary professionalism...
Eddie Date : December 6, 2024The Wildes & Weinberg team is unique and unparalleled to any other team I've met providing immigration services. Competent, thorough...
Patrick Kirby Date : October 17, 2024“I had an outstanding experience working with Josh Wildes, Michael Wildes, and Walter Gottschalk at the Immigration Firm. They were...
Itzik Cohen Date : August 21, 2024They sent us from heaven! We had outstanding experience with Wildes & Weinberg. Josh and the entire team provided us...
Lee Rimon Date : May 30, 2024We would give a million stars if we could. Josh, Michael, Mia, Belline, Yoni, and Mariana were phenomenal beyond imagination....
Liran E. Date : May 30, 2024We had such an amazing experience working with Josh Wildes and his incredible team! We were able to get a...
Ilana Lowenstein Date : February 29, 2024I would like to express my gratitude to Wildes and Weinberg firm for supporting me on a journey to become...
Albina Date : January 5, 2024